Refine Your Practice: Tadasana, Urdhva Hastasana, & Savasana

Tadasana, the Mountain Pose, is the primary standing pose. Tadasana is neutral, meaning it has no particular bias and is neither energizing nor relaxing, heating nor cooling. Tadasana teaches not only structural alignment but also the subtle internal actions that are expressed in almost every other asana. Spend time to learn tadasana well as it will be the reference model for the rest of your practice.

Urdhva hastasana, upward hands pose, adds the upward extension of the arms to tadasana. This action of the arms can create an effect of unloading the ribcage from the pelvis, thus giving more length to the torso and space for the organs and breath, especially in the upper lungs.

Savasana, the corpse pose, is the classical asana for relaxation. It is most often performed after an asana session, although it may be practiced at any time you would like to relax deeply. Because of its focus on relaxation, savasana is one of the most important asanas. It has also been said that it is one of the most difficult asanas as it requests that the practitioner relinquish identification with the physical body, thoughts, and emotions.

*Originally published at


The System of Yoga


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